Bon Voyage!
Hello my pets!!! Salutations from the other side of 2019. You know I’m not usually one to complain, but January can be such a gray month for yours truly, Gracie, the perpetually effervescent, dressed-to-the-nines party animal (no pun intended). But there I was -- the tree by the curb, the ornaments packed away, my tinsel limp, and I lay in a heap (albeit a fashionable one) on the couch. Not even Seinfeld reruns could extricate me from my post-holiday malaise. That is until my BFF Lori arrived at my doorstep with a plethora of cruise brochures.
She always knows just the thing to pique my interest and bring the color back to my cheeks. Visions of caftans and Johnny Was silks began to dance in my head…along with those kitschy umbrella drinks (Gracie does allow for a bit of kitsch when it comes to cruising). Exotic ports of call, romantic sunsets ah… and the endless, bountiful, scrumptious buffets – Lori, you are genius. I was all atwitter at the thought of champagne on the balcony, jet-skiing in the Caribbean and most of all dinner at the captain’s table. I just love a man in uniform. What to wear? What to wear? I asked myself. My tutu simply wouldn’t do.

White UP! Pants with a colorful tunic (check), a colorful sheath dress with strappy sandals (what a relief, our Well Read Department store has them both) and of course, something black but never boring for evening. My suitcase was full, and I was off the couch ready for a delightful adventure on the high seas. The cure was so simple – a great friend, an exciting plan (with island hopping involved) and lots of exceptional fashions.
Now it’s time to go. The bags are actually packed and I’m off to see the world or at least a little corner of it.
Bon Voyage darlings!!!
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